Who doesn’t love shepherd’s pie?
This is a quick & easy low-carb version of a classic meat and potatoes dinner!
Only 4.7g net carbs for a 1/4 of the pie!
This recipe yields 4 servings.
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size: 1 Serving (1/4 of Pie)
Calories: 259
Protein: 7.7 grams
Carbs: 24.1 grams
Fat: 15.4 grams
Cooking Instructions
1 Zucchini
1 TBSP Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Extra Lean Ground Chicken
Your favorite seasonings
1 TBSP Nutritional Yeast
Wash and peel your zucchini.
Chop up the zucchini (you should end up with about 2 cups), and place it into a microwavable steam bag.
Chop up 2 cups of cauliflower, and add that to the bag with your zucchini.
Zip the bag shut, and place in the microwave for about 4 minutes.
Put your coconut oil into a pan over heat.
Add the chicken and your favorite seasonings.
Once cooked, strain the chicken of it's juices, and weight out 3 oz.
Dump your zucchini and cauliflower into a food processor, add your favorite seasonings, Nutritional Yeast and 3 oz of chicken.
Blend these ingredients together.
Add your 'mash' to the chicken (which should be in a pie-like dish), and spread it around.
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