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Edible Used Q-tips


by SaraSolomon - April 15th, 2015

These are earie (I mean eerie) and gross (but Healthy) Hallowe'en Treats! Freak out your kids and friends this Halloweek!

Used Q-tips are the perfect way to enhance the "gross factor" at your Hallowe'en event!

Used Q-tips are:

  • Low in sugar and carbohydrates

  • Gluten free

  • Diabetic and tooth friendly

  • A source of protein and "healthy" fat

  • An intelligent alternative to conventional sugary hallowe'en treats that cause tooth decay!

  • Quick and easy to make

Image title

Nutritional Facts

Serving Size: 1 Q-Tip

  • Calories: 14.5

  • Protein: 1.65 grams

  • Carbs: 0.2 grams

  • Fat: 0.3 grams

Cooking Instructions


  • La Nouba Marshmallows

  • 1/3 scoop of BSN Syntha-6 Cinnamon Bun Whey

  • 1 tsp of all natural peanut butter (or for a lower fat and lower calorie option, use PB2)


  1. Tear off a small portion off marshmallow from the white segment of a La Nouba Marshmallow.  These marshmallows have no sugar, no carbs, no fat and no gluten.

  2. Place the marshmallows onto the ends of a lollipop stick and mould it with your fingers to look like a Q-tip.

  3. Dip the ends of the marshmallows into the "ear wax" (see "ear wax" recipe below).

  4. Place in the fridge/freezer for a few minutes to dry the "wax".

  5. Place the edible Q-tips in an empty Q-tip box for your guests.

Ear Wax Recipe (it's delicious and eerie!:

  1. Mix the whey and the peanut butter together using a sparing amount of water to achieve a waxy consistency.

  2. Enjoy!

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