271 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: April 4, 2014
Hey guys i just went on google and it said you dont need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to gain muscle but rather 0.7-0.8 grams per pound of body weight and i talk to a few people that have a nice build to them and they also claimed this is true also just want your guys view on it
Hey guys i just went on google and it said you dont need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to gain muscle but rather 0.7-0.8 grams per pound of body weight and i talk to a few people that have a nice build to them and they also claimed this is true also just want your guys view on it
This is another controversial topic. The bottom line is the amount of protein you need to support your bodybuilding goals comes down to the following:
1) Training intensity and duration
2) Genetics
3) Digestive abilities/metabolism
4) Muscle goals - strength, endurance, size, etc
There is no one-size-fits-all amount. The 1g+/pound recommendation seen is a starting point and many times is for those who use drugs where protein synthesis is greatly enhanced. For natural athletes, protein is critical to maintain size when cutting, support growth when bulking, and help keep the metabolism fast. Excess protein gets stored in an "amino pool" which the whole body uses as protein is critical for ALL body systems and processes. You have to go very excessive like 2g+/pound to have it stored as fat or affect your kidneys.
Your body will tell you the right amount of protein you need to consume. If you are making size and strength gains, staying lean, recovering from your workouts, and have high energy levels then the amount of protein you are currently consuming is enough. If not, then your protein is too low. I am in the 1g to 1.5g/pound range and it has worked fine for me. Some people can get by with less and some need more. Don't look to the internet or other people for guidelines for your body. You are unique as is everyone else. Only thru trial and error will you find the right macro amounts and ratios that work for you.
34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-)
MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.