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andrija04 g Andrija Jokovic
27 Post(s)
27 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2017
Okey, thanks guys :)
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: andrija04
Okey, thanks guys :)

@andrija04 you are welcome bro!! 😊 

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andrija04 g Andrija Jokovic
27 Post(s)
27 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2017

Hey Scott,


Currently I am in some sort of weight plateu.

This is what I planned to do but first wanted to check if that is okey.

So for ex. lets take a triceps push down.


Is it okey to increase the weight and do max reps with that weight and then drop it to regular weight that I have worked before and finish the set.




Also increase the weight and do for ex .5 reps then rest 5-10 sec and do another 3 reps ,again rest 5-10 sec and then finish the last 2 reps.


Are these "methods" okey and if they are which option do you prefer?



Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: andrija04

Hey Scott,


Currently I am in some sort of weight plateu.

This is what I planned to do but first wanted to check if that is okey.

So for ex. lets take a triceps push down.


Is it okey to increase the weight and do max reps with that weight and then drop it to regular weight that I have worked before and finish the set.




Also increase the weight and do for ex .5 reps then rest 5-10 sec and do another 3 reps ,again rest 5-10 sec and then finish the last 2 reps.


Are these "methods" okey and if they are which option do you prefer?



Both of those methods are OK, but I would say the second option is better - you'lll have a rep range you're aiming for right? In this example 10 reps? So you make sure you hit those 10 reps, even if you have to rest.


However, you probably only want to have one rest pause.. so you might pick a weight where you can do 7 reps, take a 5-10 second rest pause, then do the last 3 reps. Then for the next set, you would lower the weight.


Make sense?

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andrija04 g Andrija Jokovic
27 Post(s)
27 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2017

Exercise triceps pushdown for ex....

My regular weight on that is 25 kg and my rep and set range is 4 sets x 10 reps.

Those 10 reps became ,I wont say easy, but not anymore challenging.


So if I understood you right I should do this.

Increase to 30 kg , do first and second set (for ex) with just one 5-10 sec pause and if I feel that I could not do that in my next set I lower the weight to regular one and finish the exercise ?


But I also have one more question.

What if for ex. you do biceps curl with 12 kg dumbell and you want to increase weight but next dumbells weight 15 kilos.

In that case I can not finish my set with just one 5-10 sec pause. Usually it would take 2 mini rest to complete the set.

In that case is it better to use a first option that I mentioned?

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: andrija04

Exercise triceps pushdown for ex....

My regular weight on that is 25 kg and my rep and set range is 4 sets x 10 reps.

Those 10 reps became ,I wont say easy, but not anymore challenging.


So if I understood you right I should do this.

Increase to 30 kg , do first and second set (for ex) with just one 5-10 sec pause and if I feel that I could not do that in my next set I lower the weight to regular one and finish the exercise ?


But I also have one more question.

What if for ex. you do biceps curl with 12 kg dumbell and you want to increase weight but next dumbells weight 15 kilos.

In that case I can not finish my set with just one 5-10 sec pause. Usually it would take 2 mini rest to complete the set.

In that case is it better to use a first option that I mentioned?

Yes you understood correctly with the information you just wrote about your tricep pushdown - so do that, this will help you still achieve that overload, and over time you will get stronger and stronger to the point where you can push 30kg for 10 reps without needing a rest pause.


With the bicep curl example, yes, if you are aiming for 10 reps and you could only get 4-5 reps before needing to pause, it's a sign that you need to just lower the weight after you have done as many reps as you can with 15kg. Then the next time you do it, or maybe 2 weeks later, you might be able to get more like 6-7 reps, in which case doing a rest pause then would be OK.


Hope that helps!

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andrija04 g Andrija Jokovic
27 Post(s)
27 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2017

Of course it helps !!

Thank you so much Scott :)

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: andrija04

Of course it helps !!

Thank you so much Scott :)

You are very welcome @andrija04!! 😊 

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andrija04 g Andrija Jokovic
27 Post(s)
27 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2017

Hey guys,


As you already know,in order to make progress,things need to be changed after a while.

So yea,that time came to me.

I followed a plan for six months and I feel that my body adapted and that my gains slowed down.


So,my question would be,do I need to change exercise completely or I can just change attachments that I used for six months.

For example,in my six months plan I used v bar for seated cable row and triceps push down.

So do I need to completely change them with other exercises or I can just change attachments in order to start adapting my body again which lead to progress?

Or my body will "recognize" it like same old exercise and there would be no progress



Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: andrija04

Hey guys,


As you already know,in order to make progress,things need to be changed after a while.

So yea,that time came to me.

I followed a plan for six months and I feel that my body adapted and that my gains slowed down.


So,my question would be,do I need to change exercise completely or I can just change attachments that I used for six months.

For example,in my six months plan I used v bar for seated cable row and triceps push down.

So do I need to completely change them with other exercises or I can just change attachments in order to start adapting my body again which lead to progress?

Or my body will "recognize" it like same old exercise and there would be no progress



Changing the attachment would technically bring a new stimulus, like if you switched to the rope especially, you would be able to get a slightly bigger range of motion. So you can try that, or you can simply switch it out.


You could either move to another cable exercise (like cable kickbacks or cable overhead extensions), or move onto some free weights with something like a dumbbell overhead extension, tate press or skull crusher etc.

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