hey guys...
i've worked out my meal plan following Scott's YT video, followed it for a couple weeks then made some adjustments (raising protein/fat, lowering carbs), have currently been on that for 3 weeks.
I seem to have lost a little fat! super stoked about that
I'm hitting the gym 4-5 days per week, lifting hard and heavy (low reps, high intensity), hitting 1-2 body parts p/day, cardio once a week.
my main frustration: not much noticebale solid muscle gain! (always been more of a "hard gainer", meaning i can work hard in the gym and eat right but the gains are very slow to come and dont last long)
i had hoped to see better results but i think i need to perhaps up my overall calories a bit? i was hoping to get some input about in what proportions of carbs,protein,fat i should do this. what do you guys think??
also, would recommend trying intermittent fasting for someone like me?
my info:
39yrs old, 6'1", 182lbs, BF approx 14%, Goal: lean muscle gain, fat loss. training off and on for 4 years
daily calories: 2650
daily macros: protein 250g, fat 115g, carbs 160g
ultimate goal: a very lean 180-185lbs