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Rafid Syed
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Gender: Male
Neck: N/A
Chest: N/A
Goal: Gain Muscle
Forearm: N/A
Hip: N/A
Age: 29
Calve N/A
Shoulder: N/A
Height: 1.7 m
Arm: N/A
Waist: N/A
Weight: 150.1 lbs
Thigh: N/A
Body Fat: 14%
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About Me
I started my attempt to gain muscle and loose fat since 2013 (immediately after I graduated high school) and used ketosis diet to loose a significant portion of my weight. However I was not aware of counting calories properly and ended up loosing a lot of muscle mass in the process. I was sitting at 175lbs as of June 2013 and ended up with 120lbs on August 2013. Ever since then I am trying to gain more mass but at the same time trying to pursue not gain excess water weight and/or fat. I am open to tips and would love to learn as much as possible.