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Location: Quebec Gender: Male Neck: 16.5 in Chest: 38 in Goal: Bodybuilding Forearm: 11 in Hip: 38 in Age: 33 Calve 15 in Shoulder: 44.5 in Height: 5'9" Arm: 14.5 in Waist: 33.5 in Weight: 166 lbs Thigh: 21.5 in Body Fat: 15%
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Before I started training I was always the smalest and weakest kid at school, camp, in the family and amongst friends. I was bullied for most of my life. I became your typical hardcore gamer who ate non stop junk food, never went outside, barely slept, was skinny as a twig and of course I was completely physically inactive. At my worst I was 120 lbs at 5 feet 9 inches tall. This was 5 years ago. My training was ineffective and inconsistent with no nutrition plan for the past few years. Over the last year I became significantly more consistent, I've adjusted my nutrition as I learn more about proper diet and recently hired a trainer which I'm very satisfied with. Since my fitness journey began I've gained 45 lbs. This is just the beginning. I intend to compete in men's physique when I'm ready, ideally September 2017. I have multiple friends who compete and are incredibly talented and I'd like to join them on stage.

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