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Scott_Herman posted on Hamsterpants's profile.
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Welcome to the site Kevin! (This is not a robot.. I am doing these messages personally so make sure you hit REPLY)

If you have questions about anything at all, you can join the community and I in the @forums!

Also, go to EDIT PROFILE to upload a profile pic and if you are looking for full 12 week MUSCLE GAIN or FAT LOSS programs complete with monthly calendars, videos for all the routines as well as PDF downloads you can print and bring to the gym! Check them out below!

Be sure to download our app if you have an ANDROID! iPhone coming soon!

NOTE: If you don't have an android, open the web browser on your phone and then log into the @mealplan section. Once you do the meal plan app will load and you can bookmark it to your homescreen and it will function as a normal phone app. :-D

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