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Location: Prague, Czech Republic Gender: Male Neck: 41 cm Chest: 106 cm Goal: Bodybuilding Forearm: 30 cm Hip: 88 cm Age: 32 Calve 38 cm Shoulder: 60 cm Height: 1.83 m Arm: 36 cm Waist: 82 cm Weight: 78 kg Thigh: 50 cm Body Fat: 9%
About Me   

I´m a diabetic(DM1) on gluten-free diet with quite boring, but self-destructive and not really happy past, due to my problems I started smoking and was living totally unhealthy life (thankfuly I was doing few sports like karate and later moved to MMA, so fortunately, there wasn´t too much impact on my health) but eventually I found a way to be happy - and bodybuilding is a huge part of that. Still I didn´t quit on cigarettes for time, but eventually was able to cut´em off(yeah, like few days before joining this community...). I don´t take any part of my life as a handicap - it´s just the way I am. Now, after half a year of doing my know-how homegym(built my own) workouts, I´m really trying to take things up a notch. I have spent (when re-calculated to USD) over thousand bucks to my homegym, and I try to do my best every single mo-f´ing day, even if it is a day off the gym. What or who´s there to stop me? Never give up, go right straight into something you wanna do and just do it. Earn it, push through, give it even the very last breath you can, and success is not far away. Champion is not just there overnight. These guys are because of every day hard work and dedication. And don´t give a damn, what others think - how You feel is important and makes most of Your appearance.

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