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In 2011 I was searching for proper exercises for abs on youtube. Videos from "SHF" and lisa-marie from "bodyrocktv" showed up and their perfect body shape inspired me, so I subscribed and kept watching, till one day I decided to start working out on a completly different level than before - hardcore routines 7days per week. My desire for this perfect body was so strong, that I spent a lot of my spare time researching and learning about proper exericising and variable routines. Additionally I also changed my meal plan - no more junk food like pizza, burgers etc, no more soft drinks, no more crap. I substituted all this bad food with healthy food and tons of water - which was very, very hard at the beginning, cause it didnt taste good at all! But I kept going and after a few weeks my body got used to consistent workouts and healthy food intake, and I reached the point where I actually started enjoying it both for the very first time! I guess it was cause I did it for the right reasons - not only for the looks, but also for myself - not only the visual changes but also the movement and healthy lifestyle itself made me feel amazing and it also boosted my self-confidence and self-esteem! Indeed changing myself changed everything else. It took not long till i actually got addicted to working my butt off at the gym lifting weights or at home doing HIIT. However, working out 7days a week for this long gave me some temporary injuries, so I decided to change my training schedule and "only" workout 6times a week and take one day off. All in all sticking to my workouts was definitely the right decision to make, and I´m pretty sure it helped me becoming the better, stronger and happier person I am today.