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FearlessRobb g Robert Lucier
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2014

Why do people smoke weed before they gym.   hate when people walk into the gym and thats all you can smell.  i dont care if they do but at least dont bath in it because it literally takes my breath away when i smell it.


Anyone ever come across stong smells in the gym?

FearlessRobb 370lbs to 260lbs Deadlift 375x10(don't know max 1RPM) Bench 245x7(don't know max 1RPM) Squat
ohawkey g Robert Fong
445 Post(s)
445 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2013
Posted By: FearlessRobb

Why do people smoke weed before they gym.   hate when people walk into the gym and thats all you can smell.  i dont care if they do but at least dont bath in it because it literally takes my breath away when i smell it.


Anyone ever come across stong smells in the gym?

Because they don't care about gains and like to waste money on weed.

FearlessRobb g Robert Lucier
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2014

lmao  theese guys are here daily (i work here)  im just glad im not working out when i smell it because it takes my breth away and i woudlnt be able to work out

FearlessRobb 370lbs to 260lbs Deadlift 375x10(don't know max 1RPM) Bench 245x7(don't know max 1RPM) Squat
ChefLuke g
30 Post(s)
30 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: August 8, 2015
Posted By: FearlessRobb

Why do people smoke weed before they gym.   hate when people walk into the gym and thats all you can smell.  i dont care if they do but at least dont bath in it because it literally takes my breath away when i smell it.


Anyone ever come across stong smells in the gym?



HA! Awesome post,


I believe a lot of lifters either smoke prior to the gym to reduce pain while lifting so that he/she can potentially lift harder.


The smell of skunk is gross. However, you do have to realise you are at a public gym.


My gym is full of males who suck at hygeine. It is truley awful sometimes when you hop on a machine and all you can smell is the oder they left behind...LOL.


Try to avoid the negative. Pot heads are pot heads. Let them smoke, focus on you and your lifts, dont let bad smells hold back the GAINZ!

Also maybe keep a freshener in your pocket, or those sheets you put into your laundry as a way to relieve it.

OR try figuring out what time the smell is the worst and try lifting at a different schedule.

Hope this helped man!

Any other questions feel free to email me at



crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014

To be really honest... i can rather live with the guys smelling like weed than the females who are drowning in perfume and deodorant. The locker room is a pure painzone for me and i have a hard time breathing with this overflow of extreme smells.

And it interrups my concentration everytime when one of them passes by with that jet-engine stream of perfume following her around.. really annoying especially when you have heavy weight on your back -.-


i personally try to use a neutral / decent deo in order to not pester other people with extreme perfume smells.

Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
FearlessRobb g Robert Lucier
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2014
Posted By: crood

To be really honest... i can rather live with the guys smelling like weed than the females who are drowning in perfume and deodorant. The locker room is a pure painzone for me and i have a hard time breathing with this overflow of extreme smells.

And it interrups my concentration everytime when one of them passes by with that jet-engine stream of perfume following her around.. really annoying especially when you have heavy weight on your back -.-


i personally try to use a neutral / decent deo in order to not pester other people with extreme perfume smells.

really?   i have the opposite  i can stand the light smells of deoderatns. the heavy sprays tho is another story  or a bad case of body oder

FearlessRobb 370lbs to 260lbs Deadlift 375x10(don't know max 1RPM) Bench 245x7(don't know max 1RPM) Squat
FightTimeprod g kei staig
14 Post(s)
14 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: FearlessRobb

Why do people smoke weed before they gym.   hate when people walk into the gym and thats all you can smell.  i dont care if they do but at least dont bath in it because it literally takes my breath away when i smell it.


Anyone ever come across stong smells in the gym?

I remember where I used to train some guys would always smoke cigarettes right outside the gym after their workouts lol. I found it really funny 

FearlessRobb g Robert Lucier
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2014
Posted By: FightTimeprod

I remember where I used to train some guys would always smoke cigarettes right outside the gym after their workouts lol. I found it really funny 

i forgot about that to when they smoke them before and then come in. especially now when its winter they smoke them fasty and for some reson it leaves such a ghorrible smell on them.  no idea why when someone smokes tyhey can smell blah but if they smoke really fast they smelll horrrrrible lol


FearlessRobb 370lbs to 260lbs Deadlift 375x10(don't know max 1RPM) Bench 245x7(don't know max 1RPM) Squat
FightTimeprod g kei staig
14 Post(s)
14 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: FearlessRobb

i forgot about that to when they smoke them before and then come in. especially now when its winter they smoke them fasty and for some reson it leaves such a ghorrible smell on them.  no idea why when someone smokes tyhey can smell blah but if they smoke really fast they smelll horrrrrible lol


haha yea I know exactly what you mean :D

William_Steinset p William Steinset
1K Post(s)
1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: December 12, 1969
Posted By: FearlessRobb

Why do people smoke weed before they gym.   hate when people walk into the gym and thats all you can smell.  i dont care if they do but at least dont bath in it because it literally takes my breath away when i smell it.


Anyone ever come across stong smells in the gym?

Yeah people smoking before going to the gym like that is just a big joke in my opinion. They create a small in the ENTIRE GYM, no matter where they are or where I am, I can still small it.

MS Athelete / Super Hermanite / SHF
muscular strength
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