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Location: Monterrey, MX Gender: Male Neck: 17.5 in Chest: 47 in Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: 12 in Hip: 47 in Age: 44 Calve 17 in Shoulder: 53.5 in Height: 1.76 m Arm: 15 in Waist: 44 in Weight: 107.7 kg Thigh: 26 in Body Fat: 30%
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I am a guy that used to weight 216 lb, and i felt ok... for my almost 6 ft tall, it was ok, nowaday i went up to 260... and I said.. mmm thats too much, and I went to the nutrition specialist , he set up my weight down to (95 kg) 210... and now im weighting 237... in the last 1 and a half month I lost 5 kilos.. and im seeking the goal, to prove myself that I can do it if I want to... thats added to health benefits and look better of course.. greetings to all and thanks to Scott Herman for all his videos and support ! Cano

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