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Location: N/A Gender: Male Neck: 15 in Chest: 38 in Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: 10 in Hip: 37.5 in Age: 31 Calve 15 in Shoulder: 18 in Height: 5'8" Arm: 12.5 in Waist: 32 in Weight: 160 lbs Thigh: 22 in Body Fat: 15%
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Hey Everyone! So I'm 20 years old turning 21 in about a month. My story goes like this. Ever since I was younger, I was overweight and bullied because of it. For years I was bullied for the way I looked. I was told that I could never be a "professional performer because of the way I look" (My classmates and teachers all said the same thing) So I set out to rewrite my future and show myself that I can be better then everyone thinks. So starting two years ago I decided to lose weight and to date I've lost 27 pounds!! But like everyone else, I'm having difficulty losing the last ten pounds. After losing last ten pounds I would love to start to gaining muscle. So that' my story.

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