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Seth Findley
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58 Friends
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Buena Vista Ga
Gender: Male
Neck: N/A
Chest: N/A
Goal: Gain Muscle
Forearm: N/A
Hip: N/A
Age: 27
Calve N/A
Shoulder: N/A
Height: 5'11"
Arm: N/A
Waist: N/A
Weight: 145 lbs
Thigh: N/A
Body Fat: N/A%
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About Me
I started working out because my friends picked on me for being smaller and weaker but when I started working out 1 1/2 years ago I have became stronger than them. I work out with Tony Vasquez I got him into lifting weights and now that all we talk about. We have an Instagram that we made so that we can try to inspire others to adopt fitness into their life style. Motivational Charchter: Scott Herman