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Location: Northern Ireland Gender: Male Neck: 15 in Chest: 38 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 11 in Hip: 38 in Age: 29 Calve 14 in Shoulder: 42 in Height: 6'0" Arm: 13 in Waist: 32 in Weight: 11.6 st Thigh: 23 in Body Fat: 18%
About Me   

20 year old computer science student from Northern Ireland. I've been working out since October 2013. When I started working out all I had was a pair on 5 kg dumbbells and I didn't really know what I was doing. This went on for some time even after I bought a bench in January 2014. It wasn't until April 2014 that I started to really think about what I was doing and that it probably wasn't right (Took me a while I know). I started to watch a lot of YouTube videos on proper form and general fitness (Scott being one of my favourites). In May 2014 I had bought a barbell and an exercise program to follow, this is when I started seeing some positive results, I hadn't gained an weight in about 3 years being stuck at 10 st 2 lbs. Since then I have gained 1 st 4 lbs (admittedly more of that is fat than I had wanted) However my final goal is 12 st 12lbs at around 12/13% body-fat. I am asthmatic and had a rather bad spell during February, I ended up being allergic to the new inhalers prescribed to me so I had to stop exercise for a few weeks as I was physically not able to do any. Since then I have started a new program after doing a few weeks of prep I am now in my third week, it is mainly hypertrophy, however I'm looking at incorporating strength training back into my schedule after this program is complete. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge to become smarter, stronger and bigger in the future. As well as this in the years to come I hope to be able to cosplay some of my favourite anime characters such as Natsu Drangeel. Apologies for how disjointed and vague this story can be in parts :)

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