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Location: N/A Gender: Female Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 41 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'5" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 142 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
About Me   

Ive always been involved in sports as a child, a teenager...and was the kid playing outside from the moment I arrived home from school til the street lights went on. My mom cooked us healthy meals...and refused to by sodas and sugary junk food. As an adult in my 20s, I took my fitness (no longer being a part of school and rec team sports) in a different direction when I happened to meet Ifbb pro Claire Parmley. She agreed to train and coach me through my first NPC figure competition. It was from there my love of pushing weights was born. Claire moved away, but I competed again under the guidance of a BB boyfriend and took first in class on stage in 2011. In recent years, I have found myself struggling to maintain the lean physique I desire. The extreme dieting practices of competition prep and the real world lusts of booze and decadent foods has had me yo-yo ing in an unhealthy manner for a while. So here I am, sitting easily ten lbs of body fat above what I want. And I think we all know -those last few pounds are the Achilles heel. I know what I need to do- I've already retired the night cap of beer or wine. And I've developed my meal plan. I just need to stick to it. My work outs are already on point-and I have a nice foundation of muscularity. I want to see what this looks like 5% bf lower. I want to see the progress I've made in my quads, glutes, back, et al. Plus...I wouldn't mind a trip to train with Scott-as he definitely knows what he's talking about. And I can pick out someone who knows their stuff from almost a decade of research, being around/in the fitness world, and trial and error. LEEEEEEEGOOOOOO!

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