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Location: Knoxville, Great State of Tennessee Gender: Male Neck: 17.5 in Chest: 45 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 13 in Hip: 42.25 in Age: 59 Calve 17 in Shoulder: 54 in Height: 6'0" Arm: 15 in Waist: 40 in Weight: 232 lbs Thigh: 24.5 in Body Fat: 25%
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I'm a 51 YO male that has spent time in the gym since teenage years to present. I've yo-yo'd up and down my entire life but I got to my heaviest ever in 2016. I was 220 in January and was 260lbs by Thanksgiving. I run my own company and there are months at a time where i will work 16 hours a day, it's sleep and work, over and over. This past year I landed a temporary account and it became one of those situations where i put the gym completely off the stove, rather than a back-burner. What propelled me back to it was three simple daily instances, one, get in and out of my sports car, it was tough, going up a single flight of stairs in my home, not even a big flight of stairs. It didn't wind me out but the task elevated my breath and heartbeat and lastly, not to get too graphic, but what should be the simple task of being sanitary in the bathroom and barely reaching all the places one needs to get to and one more, to pick up something off the floor and the belly is like a bumper on a leg press, just stops you and to touch the floor gets tricky. I've worked out solo, with a workout partner, with trainers and I've done Crossfit. I enjoyed Crossfit but it was at Crossfit where i got hurt and still suffer today. The instructors sometimes push to the point of injury. I was doing something i should not have been doing and i got hurt. Nothing immediate but with time, exacerbated since i was not letting it heal until finally, i had to quit. It's my shoulders. I was way too heavy to be trying to do pull-ups. It was when I first joined at a heavy 240 and i never recovered from the injury but did lose the weight. THis past year was a good break. I am going easy on the shoulders by focusing movements and making sure I tighten up my core and focusing on what's going on with the rotators or whatever else is going on in there. This practice of focusing on the area has allowed me to work it a little harder but I can tell one wrong move and i'm out again. I went online to watch a video for a particular upper body movement to help with this issue and the video was you. I ended up watching a handful of your videos and referred to you for several techniques even right before heading to the gym. Your personable delivery is spot-on and you have knowledge that just does not get into the delivery of most others that try to teach the same. It was your "do the full range of motion" that I've always practiced but not because it's stressed by anyone in my past but because mainly, it makes sense. You don't bring a glass of water half-way up and bend down to meet it. That's what some guys look like to me in the gym. So here I am, hoping that your knowledge will not only get me to some physical condition where I can go to Kroger in my underwear but past this shoulder issue I have been living with for three years.

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