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Actually I have no plan to do this going heavy thing. When I was 27 year old. I suffered from Lungs complication ( Tuberculosis ). I was so damn skinny that time. My weight is only 51 kg, picture that 51 kg. ahahahhaha. Imagine that my weight of 51 kg is not appropriate to my required height. I’m supposed to be weighing from 58-70 kg for my height. So, I look for a specialist for a consultation and I undergo treatment for 1 year and a half ( from year 2010 to mid 2011). And God is good I recovered from it. Every time I look in the mirror, I feel so hopeless and miserable. Imagine I can’t wear my small size shirts. And I was forced to buy an extra small size clothes which is exactly fit to my body, and even with my pants I got problem of wearing it. One day when I look again in the mirror, I told to myself : “ This will be the last time I’m going to see myself like this.” A few months after recovering from tuberculosis, I visit my pulmonologist for my second consultation and I ask her if I can go on weight training. My doctor said: “ Why are going to the gym? All you have to do is eat well, avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking.” In the first place, my doctor do not agree with me on going weight training because she said it will be too bad for me because of my previous history in lungs complication. And I answered: “ Doc.! I have to do this, if something happen I’ll stop my weight training right away! I don’t want to be like this because I’m not supposed to be like this.” And finally, my doctor gave me a permission to destroy my body in the gym. The first step I do is, I searched for a good fitness page. Luckily, I found Scott Herman Fitness Page ( THANK YOU MAN..! ) I watched the free videos from beginner to advance workout routines. And I’m doing these Hermanite programs for 1 year. I’m afraid during my first day in the gym because I don’t know what to do! And when I saw the people in the gym lifting heavy weights, having a well lean defined body, my mind always tell me that “ I can’t , shall I go or not? “. Then, I just focus on what I learned from the videos and start working. I work hard and train hard! After 1 year, I saw the big changes to my body and it’s awesome! You’re not going to believe it! When I consult my doctor again. She didn’t recognized me! She said : “ Yes sir? How may I help you? Do you already have a record on us? ( AHAHAHHAHAH) I’m stunned. she said: “ why are you laughing? And I said; “ Doc. Don’t you remember me? I’m your TB patient a year ago! My name is Michael Benedict B. Ramos.” My doctor just stand up from her chair and go to her old files to check my name. She was amazed when she recognize me and said: “ How are you? Why are you here? Do you feel something bad again? And I’m so happy to say “ No Doc! I feel great! Really really great! She was stun and I heard no words from her mouth and she just smiled. Even though I made a big changed for myself, I still never forget my capacity and limitations. And for the people who helped , motivate and inspired me for what I’ am today, THANK YOU SO MUCH BROTHA AND SISTHA! and a special Thanks to our fitness mentor SCOTT HERMAN and to his dedicated TEAM. One of my goal is to go beyond myself right now ( reach 70 kg with lean and defined body at the end of year 2014 ). I want to try something new for a change. And the best thing I learned inside and outside the gym is that “ There are many things that bothers our mind, stress and problems that affect our goal in life, the best thing to deal with that is “ Destroy your body in the gym together with whats on your head that bothers you. And the most important thing is “ NEVER GIVE UP ON SOMETHING YOU’VE STARTED.” I’AM MICHAEL . . . . . AND SOON TO BE H E R M A N I T E . . . .!!