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Adam Sparrowe
0 Inspirations
36 Friends
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Gillingham, Kent, UK
Gender: Male
Neck: N/A
Chest: N/A
Goal: Gain Muscle
Forearm: N/A
Hip: N/A
Age: 40
Calve N/A
Shoulder: N/A
Height: 6'0"
Arm: N/A
Waist: N/A
Weight: 120 kg
Thigh: N/A
Body Fat: N/A%
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About Me
I'm relatively new to the gym. I started going properly about 18 months ago. I managed to dislocate both my shoulders (showing my mate how not to do Skull Crushers) and then my Dad died so I've been out of the gym for nearly a year. I'm now back and starting to really enjoy it thanks to the routines on here. The only way is up!