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Location: Columbus, OH Gender: Male Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Bodybuilding Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 31 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 6'4" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 190 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
About Me   

In May, 2012 my hard work in the gym was put on hold as I was a passenger in a car accident breaking two bones in my foot and one in my wrist. During the course of my recovery I lost about 20lbs and lost a lot of my strength. Although many people would become unmotivated by such an event happening, the polar opposite was true for me. After enduring the recovery which lasted about a year I was more motivated than ever to not only gain all the weight I had lost back, but to continue to push my barriers and see how far I could go. In June (2014) I will be competing in my first natural bodybuilding competition in TN at the Flex Lewis Classic. I have never been more dedicated to anything in my life and I am excited to dip my feet in the water and see how I can do. I train 6 times a week and wake up at 4am each morning to hit the gym and cardio. My diet consists of high quality organic foods, lots of water and lots of fresh ingredients. One of my biggest goals for this first competition is to show that a 6'4 guy can do well in a bodybuilding competition!

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