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Location: N/A Gender: Male Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 31 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 6'1" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 154 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
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Well, it's a long story. so i'll try to make it brief. Freshman year of college was when i decided to change my lifestyle. i looked in the mirror and was disgusted from what i saw. i had "manboobs," huge stomach, flabby arms, just nothing that i liked about my body. i was inching towards 200 lbs.(all fat) and i said to myself that i will never be over 200 lbs (unless if it is when i am fit). i peaked at 199. my human nutrition class i was taking also inspired me to change my lifestyle, not only to look better, but to improve my health outlook as i grow older. i started out eating salads in place of pizza. i ate sandwiches instead of quesadillas. i tried to consume less soda and switch to gatorade. i was new to this and i've learned that some of these switches were not the best. so i cut out all soda, drank only water or vitamin water zero, ate lots of fruit, salads, lean meat, chicken, fish. in about 1 and a half years of eating right i lost 60 lbs and weighed in at 139 lbs. i thought i would be happy. but somehow i wasn't. my friends and family noted the change and congratulated me on the weight loss. however, some noted how much weight i lost and questioned me if i was anorexic. i assure you i was NEVER anorexic or even thought that i might be. so you can imagine hearing this made me mad. after all my work to lose this unwanted weight and i have people saying i look to thin. well the truth was, i was too thin. but not because they said so, because in my eyes i wasn't where i wanted to be. so i looked into weightlifting. i wanted to gain muscle. i lost the weight but now i was just a skinny un-muscular boy. i was new to weightlifting so i didnt quite know how to approach it. i just started lifting weights at my home, but over time i was gaining little to nothing of muscle. so after 1 more year i did some research on what worked for certain people. last summer (2013) is when i started my dedicated summer of weight lifting. i researched enough to know which supplements work and which workouts help you gain muscle. all in all i think i have finally found a great routine where i am gaining muscle and i'm starting to look like how i imagined i would look after i lost the weight. i finally see my abs showing (1st time in life). it's a lot of hard dedicated work, but i know what the end result will be, so i push myself everyday to eat healthy, try to workout with as much intensity i can give. sorry about the length, but i have never told anyone my story of how i got to where i am. if anyone decides to read this i thank you, and i would like to let you know that you are my inspiration, and through hard work you can also achieve your goal physique, just like how i plan to. As of present. I have a workout routine that i like to switch up from time to time. As i stated previously I began my dedicated workout lifestyle in the beginning of summer 2013 i weighed in at 142 when i started. Now (feb 2014) i weight approx. 154, i believe most of the weight i gained is from muscle considering in that time my body fat% has also gone down. it's hard to say though.

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